tradition of the judge writing a critique after completing a judging assignment
is alive and well in many parts of the world. These critiques are usually
published in the dog press, whether it be an all breeds dog newspaper, or
a club newsletter. It may take the form of a general assessment of the overall
quality and qualities found in the breed, or it may give an assessment of each
dog judged, or only the winners and place-getters. Some combine the breed
overview and the observations of the individual dogs. Those critiques that
avoid assessing the individual animals are necessarily easiest on the exhibitors
, as one can assume that all of the negative points are about the dogs owned
by others, and all of the positive points are about ones own dogs.
These write ups are eagerly awaited by the exhibitors, and of course, the
critique itself gets critiqued! Alas, this practice is uncommon in the
United States, and I feel that much would be gained if such a tradition could
be established at specialty shows here. Certainly we all go away from some
shows wondering just why a certain decision was made. Often the judges notes
would make that clear, or at least offer some suggestion as to the elements
that were factored into the decision. If it is not possible to tell at ringside
what elements are most important to a particular judge, then a critique,
albeit after the fact, might give the exhibitor some ideas about whether
or not to exhibit certain dogs (or anything, ever again!) to that judge in
the future.
From the judges point of view, it would be a comfort to
know that a decision that is carefully determined, but that is almost certain
to be misunderstood from ringside, can be explained in the write-up. The
subtleties of some important structural
elements for breed function
are not always readily apparent to the eye alone, and the judge may be privy
to some features of the dog that are felt rather than seen, or seen only
upon close examination. In our own breed things like length of keel, bite
and depth of underjaw, shape of the ribcage, and the structure of the feet
might be difficult to ascertain from outside of the ring. The judge is also
afforded the opportunity to make clear exactly what is most valued: it might
be soundness, breed type, balance, head, running gear, overall structure
or moving outline, but a good critique will probably give the reader some
idea of how that judge approaches the breed, and I believe that most clear-
minded and confident judges would be grateful for the opportunity to make
that known.
Now, if a judge has been asked to write a critique upon the
completion of judging, notes will probably be taken during the judging process.
Granted, this may slow things down a bit, and kennel clubs and the AKC put
great stock in getting it all done as quickly as possible. I feel that this
particular mind set is part of the American culture of dog showing, a culture
that tends to value showmanship over substance and flash over function. It
is little wonder that unsound dogs can prevail in many breeds, our own among
them. But I digress. If a judge is making notes at the end of each class,
either into a tape recorded or by hand, (at least one European judge takes
his laptop computer to the ring and types in his notes after each class)
that judges concentration is necessarily very focused, and a tendency
to be more consistent might emerge in some cases. And knowing a critique
is expected, a careful study of the standard is probably going to be a priority
before the assignment. The wording of the critique will probably echo phrases
in the standard, so the standards actual words are likely to be foremost
in the judges mind if he has studied it recently with critique writing
as well as judging in mind.
One of the best things about critiques just might be
a contribution
toward keeping the judging honest. If a judge is going to be less than objective
in the ring, at least that judge is going to have to try to justify his decisions
in writing and, knowing that up front, some might find it more palatable to forego
the games, do the right thing, and actually judge the
dogs. And perhaps those that
are not prepared to do the right thing, whether intellectually or ethically,
might not accept those specialty assignments where a critique is expected.
Wouldnt that be a refreshing boon to our sport? Sure, a master game
player might find a way to write up a justification of his actions, but at
least he is going to have to add lying on paper to his list of sins, and
then the rest of the fancy will actually have it in writing!
An honest critique can be hard on the exhibitors ego. I know
this well, having felt the thrust of the judges felt- tipped sword
myself. But, you know what? He was right. He was right about something that
I had not realized about my own dogs, and I became a better breeder for
having it pointed out to me. We had a very good day under this particular
judge, so I went away from that show happily convinced that he had loved our
dogs. I would have never had the full benefit of his expertise without
having read that critique. But I do remember my initial reaction…I was
devastated. Because I had so much respect for the man’s reputation and
history in the breed, the negative part of his opinion was a bitter pill to
swallow, as good medicine often is. It is often said that an entry fee is
paid to get a certain judge’s opinion,
(in truth, dont we usually pay in hopes of winning under that
judge?) but what we get is not an actual opinion, but a ranking. For my money,
it is not the same thing, and perhaps the game is worse off for the
I was once asked to submit a critique after judging a specialty
overseas, said critique to be published in the club newsletter. That critique
was never seen by anyone but the newsletter editor, because he did not like
part of what I had observed about one of his dogs! Human nature being what
it is, I suppose that isnt so surprising, but it was quite unfair to
anyone else who might have liked to know what the judge for the only specialty
of the year in their part of the world thought of their dogs! And whether
I as the judge was right or wrong in my observations, perhaps as a result
of the critique some discourse among the breeders might have ensued that
would have been of some benefit to someone.
Sincere breeders need to be able to accept observations
of their dogs that include the shortcomings. Why is that we all agree that
there is no such creation as a perfect dog, but so many of us cannot accept
that our own are flawed? How can we improve our own bloodlines and make
contributions to the advancement of the breed if we are unable to accept
honest evaluations of our animals? Critiques can serve many purposes, but
surely their best contribution could derive from breeders giving earnest
consideration to the judges observations. The judge is human and will
not always be right. But right or wrong, a good critique will give a good
breeder something to think about.
© Lisa and Andrew Warren, all rights reserved